Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Its finally here.... my last year :)))))) Only 6 more months! I will most likely be staying around burley and working at dairy queen through the summer then heading off to beauty school in Rexburg... WOOT WOOT! Its sad to think i will be leaving my baby sister and parents but its time to get away and do something i want to do! :) well Here are a few of my senior pictures... enjoy :)

Thank you Carli Jo for doing these beautiful pictures!!!


Adele said...

Very cute pictures! Its so fun to see you every once in a while at DQ! Can't believe you're a senior!

Holly said...

YAY!!! You'll only be 20 minutes away from me! We'll have to get together for some retail therapy! And how stinkin' gorgeou are you?!?! LOVE your senior pics! How the crud did you get old enough to be a senior? I remember when you were in Jr. High!!!