Saturday, January 24, 2009

An Answer To The Question

Everyone (especially boys) always ask me, Shelby why do you cry so much. How can you be so emotional. wow I've never met anyone who cries that much. How can you cry that much, don't your tears ever run out! but i have now found the answer to the question. This is a Quote by Alex Tann:
"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clear view again."

That is a good enough reason for me. But not only do you see clear again, crying actually makes me feel a lot better! i know that is hard to believe but i honestly feel so much better after i cry and freak out for a while. Now you all know:)

1 comment:

Whitaker Family said...

That is so true girl! I love you even when you are balling cause I'm right there with ya! Love ya!